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How To Be Intentional With Your Marketing

And 10x Your Business Metrics

Dave Irwin
3 min readNov 4, 2020


When it comes to any creative endeavour, we all love it when the muse hits. When the stars align and our creative juices are flowing. Be feel energetic and alive. Flow comes easily. Our work, while not the polished diamond it will eventually be, certainly has the qualities of a piece that can be shaped into one. It can feel much harder to produce that work when the muse is not with you. That is when you will need to work with intentionality.

You have to be intentional with your actions. Firstly, because intention dictates the end goal. You cannot make a leap into the unknown without taking the first step. There are specific actions you need to get to go from step A to step C. Step B may be a meandering path. You may have found yourself wandering in a direction you did not expect, but if you complete the steps between A and C with intention, then you will end where you want to be.

The art of marketing is all about intention. You have a campaign goal; a business goal. You want to achieve something with you marketing efforts. In order to realize those goals in the real world, you will need to follow some steps that most artists don’t enjoy.

You will have to pour through statistics on your content.

You will have to cut out content that you think is good because it is not performing well with the intended audience.

You will have to ship work you feel is subpar because of impending deadlines.

Remember the saying, done is better than perfect.

You will have to review reports, compile attribution models, follow customer journey maps with real data, and you will have to repeat these steps over and over until you have a well oiled content machine.

At this stage, you will have to start all over again with another marketing campaign because a marketers job is to connect. You cannot connection requires new and unique communication styles.

The cycle starts again.

How To Save A Life

Being intentional about your day to day tasks. This will break up the monotony in day to day work. You are not just pouring over a spreadsheet. You are completing exploratory surgery on your campaign to find the portions that are not healthy.

You are saving the life of a business.

Your marketing efforts will pay off in increased revenue. It will put food on the table. It will put money in the bank of employee who relies on your client for their paycheque.

You are helping customers, client, and businesses understand one another. You are reaching out to people and touching their hearts. You are giving them joy, and comfort, and love. When you are working your everyday marketers life, remember your why. Keep that at the forefront of your mind.

Know Your Why.

Why are you looking at the stats for an organic Facebook campaign?

I know for me it was because I wanted to know what message connected with people, before I put money towards promoting it. I wanted to see where I could improve my delivery before I poured money down the corporate well. I wanted to be as sure as I could be, that my client’s budget was being used responsibly.

There are real lives on the line when it comes to marketing. For the employees and the customers.

Recognizing this brings intentionality in every day actions. Be intentional with your art. Be intentional with your actions.



Dave Irwin

Head Marketer @ | Social Media Marketer | Writer | Community Builder